All Classes and Interfaces

Encapsulates configuration that is common across all Technology by Design (TechBD) packages.
The Interpolate class provides a mechanism for replacing placeholders within strings using a combination of simple key-value pairs and Spring Expression Language (SpEL) expressions.
JsonContentAction provides a framework for defining rejection rules based on JSONPath expressions and applying transformations to JSON objects using Spring SpEL expressions.
AcceptContent represents a case where no rejection occurred and the original JSON is returned.
AppendObject assumes that injectInJsonPath is an array and appends the evaluated SpEL expressions to that array.
ApplyKeyValuePairs assumes that injectInJsonPath is a map and applies the evaluated SpEL expressions as key-value pairs.
Builder pattern for creating JsonContentAction instances.
ExecuteResults stores the results of applying the rejection rules, including any rejections and the content that was accepted without rejection.
RejectActionRule defines a rejection rule with a JSONPath condition and a list of transformations to apply if the condition is met.
RejectContent represents a case where a rejection occurred and the JSON was transformed.
Custom serializer for byte arrays.
Custom serializer for JSON text.
Utility class for handling exceptions by ignoring them.
The OrchestrationEngine class is responsible for managing and orchestrating FHIR validation sessions.
This class represents a hierarchical path structure that supports adding, finding, and resolving nodes within the structure.
Enum to represent the type of merge operation performed.
Interface defining methods to supply and assemble path components.
This class provides HTML representation utilities for the Paths class.
Builder class to configure and create an instance of PathsHtml.
Record to hold HTML content details.
The PathSuffixes class is designed to handle and process suffixes, commonly known as file extensions, from a given file path or URL.
This class provides visual representation utilities for the Paths class.
A record to encapsulate the result of mapping a file's content to a Map, the validity of the operation, any issues encountered during the process, and the type of content parsed.
Record representing a server-side rows request from AG Grid.
Record representing an aggregation function.
Record representing a column definition.
Record representing a filter model.
Record representing a filter model.
Record representing a range selection.
Record representing a sort model.
Record representing the server-side response for rows request from AG Grid.
The VfsIngressConsumer class is designed to manage and process files from various locations, organizing them into groups, and handling snapshots (backup copies) of those files.